If you're selling your home, here's why you don't want to rely on an "average" listing:
In 2007, only 52% of all Dane County single family home listings resulted in a successful closing.
And only 40% of all Dane County condo listings resulted in a sale.
The trend toward lower listing success rates has continued into the current year, as year-to-date success rates for both homes and condos are below the levels from the same time period last year. You'll find more details for both homes and condos at DaneCountyMarket.com.
When you dig deeper, you'll see the data clearly shows that sellers tend to be much more successful in the warmer months than in the colder months. If your home is on the market now, what does this mean for you?
You have more leverage right now than you'll have at any other time of the year.
If your goal is to sell your home this summer, now is a good time to review your current plans and make sure your approach is on the mark.
Some questions to consider:
- Is your home looking its best?
- Have you done your homework? Do you know your competition and understand the market dynamics of your neighborhood?
- At your current price point, does your home offer comparable value to those homes in your neighborhood which have recently sold?
- Is your marketing plan generating a good number of showings for buyers who are truly eager to buy?
- Is your home receiving good feedback from buyers and buyer agents?
If you answered "no" to any of the above questions, consider adjusting your current approach while the peak buying season is still with us.